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In this month's Bulletin, at www.who.int/bulletin Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2012;90:245-245. doi: 10.2471/BLT.12.000412 In this special theme issue, Michael L Perdue & Tim Nguyen (246) look at the WHO public health research agenda for influenza two years from its initial publication. Nahoko Shindo & Sylvie Briand (247) discuss influenza at the beginning of the 21st century, while, in an interview, William Ampofo (254–255) tells Ben Jones why it is essential to track the burden of influenza in Africa. Kenya Population-based influenza burden Daniel R Feikin et al. (256–263) look at the burden of influenza in rural western Kenya from 2007 to 2009. Mongolia Mitigating influenza transmission KJ Bolton et al. (264–271) find that timely pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical interventions could lessen the severity of future epidemics. Bangladesh Influenza-associated mortality in 2009 Nusrat Homaira et al. (272–278) examine influenza mortality data from four sentinel sites. China Influenza deaths in cities Luzhao Feng et al. (279–288) assess influenza mortality in temperate and subtropical cities. Sub-Saharan Africa Improving influenza surveillance C Steffen et al. (301–305) discuss ways to improve influenza surveillance in tropical countries. Indonesia Healthy food markets Gina Samaan et al. (295–300) assess the feasibility of guidelines for improving the safety of bird markets. Peru Surveillance priorities Hugo Razuri et al. (318–320) look at the obstacles to effective influenza surveillance. Brazil, New Zealand, Sierra Leone and the United States of America The medium is the message Ben Jones (252–253) reports on influenza communication efforts in Brazil, New Zealand, Sierra Leone and the United States of America. Global Preventing pneumonia Adam L Cohen et al. (289–294) review pneumonia control options. Lessons from the pandemic Maria D Van Kerkhove & Neil M Ferguson (306–310) describe how outbreak analysis and mathematical modelling can affect pandemic policy decisions. Preparation is key Angus Nicoll et al. (311–317) evaluate the next steps for pandemic preparedness in the 21st century. The influenza enigma Patrick Adams (250–251) reports highlights of the history of influenza research.