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Methodologies for Assessing Vaccination Coverage

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When I was a little boy, the 30 x 7 cluster coverage survey was the main method for verifying admin coverage estimates. In fact, it was almost the only one. A thousand methodological flowers have sprouted since the 1970s. Here are a few of the blooms, starting with the 1982 locus classicus by Henderson and Sundaresan, item 1.

For a comparison of cluster surveys and LQAS, the second item, an unpublished WHO document, is worth a look. The bibliography to this document is an exhaustive bibliography of 20th century work on the methodology of coverage surveys.

Nigeria has become a veritable laboratory for testing of variants on established methodologies. Those of a Nigerian bent should look at the third and fourth items, both from the Journal of Infectious Diseases.

I have not found any references on convenience sampling. Can anyone show me what I have missed? Help to rdavis@africamail.com

Cheers, BD