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Rationale and support for a One Health program for canine vaccination as the most cost-effective means of controlling zoonotic rabies in endemic settings

Wednesday, 29th of March 2017 Print

Rationale and support for a One Health program for canine vaccination as the most cost-effective means of controlling zoonotic rabies in endemic settings


Highlights below; full text is at http://ac.els-cdn.com/S0264410X17301950/1-s2.0-S0264410X17301950-main.pdf?_tid=99eba4a2-145e-11e7-91b4-00000aab0f26&acdnat=1490778400_1a1711d445cc175fa650bbffab4048c1

  • Globally, there continue to be avoidable deaths of large numbers of people due to rabies.
  • Dog mediated rabies can be eliminated through vaccination.
  • Field evidence already exists to support a One Health approach, which is described.
  • Mass dog vaccination campaigns are cost-effective and proven to work.