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Recent Items on Acceptance of Polio Vaccination

Thursday, 13th of September 2018 Print

Recent Items on Acceptance of Polio Vaccination

The Global Polio Eradication Initiative, GPEI, has met persistent challenges because of opposition, sometimes organized, against the use of oral polio vaccine. The global eradication program was set back by an northern Nigerian antivaccination campaign organized, mostly on religious grounds, at the turn of the century. It was only after intensive dialogue with northern imams, and the use of Indonesian polio vaccine, made in a largely Muslim country, that polio campaigns resumed. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(03)14826-X/fulltext

Antivaccination  efforts have not always succeeded. Reviewing the Catholic bishops’ boycott of the Kenyan OPV campaign of 2015, Njeru et al. concluded that “the call for boycott did not affect the campaign significantly,” http://www.panafrican-med-journal.com/content/article/24/120/full/#.V1avlpErLIU

Below are listed items on OPV acceptance to appear on childsurvival.net in 2018. Item 1 is from Nigeria, items 5 and 6 are from Pakistan, and item 8 is from Somalia. 

Item 3, from Israel, explores the ethical and legal aspects of mandatory vaccination. Item 4 discusses the role of subpopulations in maintaining polio transmission, a key factor in countries where polio continues at the community level despite generally high levels of OPV coverage.

Article Title

No of Hits

  1. 1.      Attitude and subjective wellbeing of non-compliant mothers to childhood oral polio vaccine supplemental immunization in northern Nigeria



  1. 2.      Demand-side determinants of timely vaccination of oral polio vaccine in social mobilization network areas of CORE Group polio project in Uttar Pradesh, India




  1. 3.      Mandatory vaccination: understanding the common good in the midst of the global polio eradication campaign.



  1. 4.      Lessons From the Polio Endgame: Overcoming the Failure to Vaccinate and the Role of Subpopulations in Maintaining Transmission.



  1. 5.      Insecurity, polio vaccination rates, and polio incidence in northwest Pakistan



  1. 6.      Why eradicating polio is more complicated than it seems



  1. 7.      Mass media effect on vaccines uptake during silent polio outbreak



  1. 8.      Threats to oral polio vaccine acceptance in Somalia: Polling in an outbreak.
