Friday, 1st of July 2016 |
Health Conditions for Travellers to Saudi Arabia for the pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj), 2016 – Performance of Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) Surveillance and Incidence of Poliomyelitis, 2016
Both of these topics, covered in the current number of the Weekly Epidemiological Record, are of substantial international importance.
The yearly pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia brings together pilgrims from every continent. Like the Olympic Games in Brazil later this year, it carries as well the risk of transmission of infectious diseases, with international transmission a real and panerai replica continuing risk.
AFP surveillance is of growing importance as the world moves into the final years of polio eradication. In terms of annualized AFP surveillance rates, American and European regions registered rates of <1.0/100,000 under-15s in 2016 to date.
For full text of both items, go to
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